The Problem

Innovation starts with the right people who have the courage to disrupt markets and innovate.  Since most workers are natural “helpers” who are asked by leaders to constantly refocus on the latest high priority initiative or problem thrown in their lap, the struggle for talent with leadership potential to cross the bridge from integrator to visionary can be untenable without the right resource engagement model and culture. We are building Entropoint™ and formed Usigo LLC to solve this problem.

The Solution

In May of 2019, our Founder recognized that barriers when hiring in California, especially when convincing HR and leaders to create new jobs, forced managers to hire project oriented talent to surpass hiring barriers. Usigo was formed to help businesses embrace a new way of resourcing technology talent by weaving together workforce development initiatives, embracing the project oriented resource model, and identifying people who are already investing in themselves so they can innovate for you.

In January of 2021, we completed the product road map for the Entropoint™ platform that mentors, evaluates, and supports workforce development program candidates so you can locate, contract, and recruit affordable talent fast while avoiding high staffing fees. Moreoever, the Usigo team qualifies and mentors each resource for your projects making it easy for leaders to get things done.

Our method utilizes data from scientific research rooted in the combination of multiple managerial and aggregate organizational behavior methods researched by the scientific and academic communities in the last 100 years.

Our goal is to reduce the human resource hiring overhead 50% by the year 2025 with a disruptive people-centered job creation approach that has been lacking in traditional brick and mortar businesses for years.

Other like-minded people centered initiatives:

  1. People Centered Internet
  2. People Centered Economy

Learn More About our Future Entropoint™ Solution By Reading Our Vision